Wind Chimes Games





Set in regular modern-day life, you are the leader of a raiding guild in the world’s hottest MMORPG, Emberfate, which has just released the new expansion, Tempest of Elements. Balance the intricacies of being a guild leader, ranging from preparing for boss battles or distributing loot, to managing the complex relationships you have with your fellow players. Engage in conversations with your guildmates, listen to their troubles — and maybe pursue one of the three possible love interests to build a romantic relationship of your own!

Take charge of your own fate, and shape the future of those around you. In Emberfate, everyone is dealing with something, and your choices and support could make all the difference.



Nathan Lin He/him
One of your oldest friends on Emberfate and an officer of your guild, Nathan is a warm and kind person whom you know you can always depend on — even if there are oceans between the two of you.<br /> But beneath his cheerful smile hides a sensitive soul, worn down by his struggle with depression. As he starts to lose interest in Emberfate and pull away, will your care and support for him make a difference?
Khanyisa Sanford She/her
As one of the new raid recruits, Khanyisa quickly catches your attention with her impressive DPS in spite of her lacking gear.</p> <p>Generally shy and quiet, she's slow to warm up and talk comfortably, but once she does, her sweetness and intelligence is impossible to overlook.</p> <p>With her mounting stress and disillusionment from her job, can you help her find comfort in Emberfate — or perhaps, in your company?
Chris Gofton He/they
The leader of Requiem, a rival raiding guild, Chris has a reputation of being a hot-tempered, blunt jerk with a sharp tongue.</p> <p>Only a lucky few have been able to get through the tough demeanor to their secret, soft side that they try very hard to hide.</p> <p>When even their own guild turns its back on them, will you stay by their side?



An Immersive MMORPG-simulation Experience

Create Your Character

Be who you want to be in the world of Emberfate! Choose your player character’s name, pronouns, background, in-game race / class, guild name, and more!

Experience Raids

Venture into the newest raid dungeon, Ruins of Refuge, and prove your worth. Can you lead your raid team to success and defeat all four dragons?

Remember to communicate with your party — all lines spoken by the characters over the raid voice chat are fully voiced to ensure the full raider experience of hearing your friends scream in your ear in either excitement or panic.

Chat with Guildies

Create lasting bonds with your guildmates and fellow raiders! Chat with them in various text channels — realm, guild, officer, party chat — and occasionally send or receive private messages from them!

Explore the MMO-like Systems

Explore and manage life as an Emberfate player with the fully functional guild, mail and inventory system!

Fall in Love

Tired of only watching and helping your friends’ love lives flourish? No problem! There are three love interests you can pursue, who are waiting for that special someone (you) to come into their lives! Grow closer to them over text chats, voice calls — and even video calls!

Again, all the voice and video calls are fully voiced, so be prepared to hear your future partner (maybe) whispering sweet nothings in your ear!


